- I've been wanting to write more about [[adversarial interoperability]] for a while. - I've now filed it in [[55]] in the [[Flancia pattern language]] (I threw the number to choose). - In this node I plan to develop a short [[essay]]: # Adversarial Interoperability Or: [[The Two AIs]] Link: https://anagora/adversarial+interoperability Adversarial must be qualified and quantified immediately: what we set out to achieve is [[Digital Independence]] and increased public benefit, with [[Right Intention]]. If it seems to contradict (maybe temporarily) the alignment of corporations and be against their interests, so be it, because we need to do what is right for the future of [[humanity]] and our [[friends]]. -- - [[doing]]: - TODO: write the rest :) - Maybe after I write to [[Milei]] and [[Musk]]? - Or maybe those letters and this one are entangled, as this concept is part of my [[proposal]] to them.